I guess sometimes it pays to be running behind! I have been wanting to participate in the "Summer Siesta Bible Study" on Beth Moore's blog. She is facilitating Jennifer Rothschild's "Me Myself & Lies" on her blog every other Tuesday. I think it is going to be a great study. I have met Jennifer and have the book which inspired the study about the things we, as women, say to ourselves that end up in our "thought closets". Jennifer's premise is that when we live each day, we "clothe" ourselves with the thoughts from our thought closets, which contain too many things that are not-so-lovely.
Beth actually started the study last Tuesday (June 23), but I was neck-deep in Vacation Bible School, so I decided to jump in today (a week late). One of the first assignments was to read Psalm 19. What a treat that was for me today...just what I needed...God's timing is perfect, even though mine is not! I've been so bogged down with busyness lately and burdened with hard decisions to make (including some things to let go) that verses 7 & 8 from the NIV especially spoke to me...
"7 The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. 8 The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes."In VBS last week the children learned (and the adults were reminded) that "It All Comes Back to Jesus". Jesus is the Living Word and these verses are a wonderful picture and reminder to me that it all really does come back to Him! What a joy that I don't have to count on my own wisdom & understanding to know which path to take!! My Mom posted a poem on her blog today about our thoughts, go check it out.