Emily at Chatting at the Sky is hosting a new meme for a few weeks called Glimpses of Home. It's about capturing glimpses of the place we "do life". I decided to start with this picture I took on Christmas Eve. (It's supposed to be a "detail", but I came across this photo in the last week and wanted to share the homey memory).
The scene: We've had an early Christmas Dinner (which I enjoyed working on a good part of the day) --- we've been to our Candlelight Christmas Eve Service, which I love, to celebrate the Savior's birth (ours is at 6pm) --- we've come home, gotten "comfy" and had pumpkin pie with real whipped cream and coffee --- the Christmas tree, fireplace & candles are all aglow --- we've popped in our tradional Christmas Eve movie (if you can't read the television it says "You Are Now in Bedford Falls" - It's a Wonderful Life - l♥ve Jimmie Stewart and George & Mary Bailey!)
Have a beautiful weekend!