Betcha thought I had quit blogging.'s just that the month-long break I had planned to take became 4 months! I won't give you a long and boring recap of "What I Did Over the Summer Break", but the synopsis is: A few awesome things, a lot of annoying stuff (like 1 a few about 20 too many food allergy reactions), and not nearly enough fun and relaxation. I plan to make up for that last part this Fall :)
One awesome thing - Youth Mission Trip to Manitoba in early July. Here's a post-thunderstorm picture I took...
One awesome thing - Youth Mission Trip to Manitoba in early July. Here's a post-thunderstorm picture I took...
I know, right? I often wonder why we don't see fashion and decorating influenced by "sunset colors" more often, but I guess we could never translate it as well as the Creator!

Speaking of changes, what do you think of the blog's "new do"? I really liked the clean look previously, but just needed a little more spunk and color for awhile. I've still got a little work to do, but I'm enjoying it so far.
It's good to be back...I'll not stay away so long again. Have a beautiful day!