…and here’s how my song went {to the tune of When We All Get to Heaven}…
When we all get together
What a house full of noisy that will be
When we sing Happy Birthday
We’ll sing and shout a lil’ off key!
Needless to say we had a wild and crazy time, which ended with a couple of rounds of the game 4 on the Couch. I hadn’t played in years…and BTW the Women won :)
My fabulous sister, Lynnette, made YUMMY homemade pizza {with the help of my equally fabulous niece Abigail}. She only has one oven ya know, so she could hardly keep ‘em coming fast enough for our hungry bunch.

What you see next to Assistant Chef Abigail would be a “bucket o’ cheese”.

Some of us like to “dress up” for a party. These are my nieces Adelynn & Julia.

Even yours truly can be a big ol’ goofball {and brave enough to show you}
So, if you don’t have a big, noisy, crazy family…you should go find one and hang out with them sometime…’cuz it’s pretty wonderful.
Have a beautiful day!