I’m not so much about decorating for individual holidays, but love the change of seasons and like to celebrate each one as it arrives {or is supposed to arrive according to the calendar}. Well, this winter I left the snowmen cozy in their boxes {and will likely take them to Goodwill to be adopted by others who can enjoy them}. I am a color- and contrast-lover by nature, but since neutralizing our walls and living room furniture this past fall I am embracing and enjoying the neutral tones of bare trees, earth and snow. I still get to enjoy the contrast of the darker neutrals, like barren trees against snow or a silvery-gray winter sky!

I mostly shopped my house, but here are a few of the bargains I added that excite me :)

-> Here’s a close up of the pattern. I like this more muted older version better than the newer versions.

<- Faux mercury glass tree topper finial – Hobby Lobby – 50 % off after Christmas

-> “Gift Wrap Garland” (it’s wired!) – 75% off – WalMart. This stuff is cool!!
I hope that your post-holiday decorating and/or decluttering has been soothing and relaxing you as much as mine has done for me!
Have a Beautiful Day {especially if it's Crazy}!