Remember way back when {like 9 days ago} when I posted these little summer goals? My dear husband cracked me up this morning when he called it my “Summer Bucket List”. Well, the two of us are going to accomplish part of one of them today. Darling daughter is still on her summer mission trip to South Dakota {coming home tomorrow – YIPPEE!!!!}, so her parentals decided on a little rural day trip.
Don’t know if we’ll see any bison or not, but we’re going to check out the Prairie Trail Scenic Byway and see what we can discover together.
I cringe every time I hear someone whine about how boring Kansas is scenically and otherwise. It’s part of the world God created…and when He was finished He said that it was good. That meant ALL of His creation!! Even when I am craving an ocean-side nap or a cool mountain breeze I still love this state of mine. {And just in case you’ve never visited, not all of it is flat!}
I know we’ll have fun…’cause I’ll be with my very best friend ♥. We’ll take pictures {maybe even video} and hopefully I’ll have a fun share post afterward.
Hope you are making something an adventure today!
Thanks for visiting...have a Beautiful day {especially if it gets a little Crazy}!